“The doctor of the future…”
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” -Thomas A. Edison
Stevia is a sugar substitute with zero calories that is also safe for use by diabetics. It has been used for centuries by other cultures not only as a food sweetener, but for medicinal purposes as well. Unlike chemically manufactured sweeteners, (some of the most popular being Sweet'N Low, Equal,…
Choosing foods closest to their natural state
Eat less C.R.A.P.! Whenever possible, choose foods that are closest to their natural state. This means eating an apple with the skin as opposed to apple juice, or a baked potato instead of french fries. Here's a cool tip to help you make healthy choices at the grocery store: shop…
Getting enough Vitamin D3?
Are YOU getting enough vitamin D3? The recommended daily amount for an adult during the winter months is up to 4,000 IUs. The amount is often more if you are severely deficient in vitamin D3, or have underlying health conditions. Often times, people swallowing an oral vitamin D3 supplement are…